Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back At It

Ok, so the last time I worked on my Peace Corps application was the end of April, 3 months ago. I originally had to stop filling it out and figure out how to get ahold of previous employers to be able to put their contact info, but I got all that info in May... I am in love with my life and my friends and thinking about leaving them, even though it most likely wouldn't be for over a year (or more), I know that was a part of what was keeping me from working on it. Then there was a trip to Europe and having mono. Now I am back and well and tomorrow my friend leaves for Africa for 5 months. My admiration for and jealousy of her motivated me to start working on the application again! So I started back at it tonight. Now I am waiting to hear back from a couple people who were in charge of my volunteer experiences. Other than that, I only have my practical experiences and essays left before submitting the online application. When I realized I only had 2 sections left, it scared me again so I stopped for the night. But I promise to get back to it soon. Feel free to keep me accountable to that!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jill! It's soooo ironic you posted this today! I am up visiting my sister and taking this time to examine my life and figure out what the crap I'm doing and where am I headed,etc I had a whole conversation about you today and how you're applying for the peace corps and how you have a blog about it. LOL (no joke, i totally did!) I was telling her that I seriously might consider it and should talk to you more about it,etc the peace corps is something that's been on my list since i was 22 years old. it's something i want to do and i'm experiencing the same thing you are with not wanting to leave friends or in my case - my baby nephew...but i keep thinking it will all be worth it in the end! ;-)
