Monday, April 20, 2009

The Beginning

The summer between my freshman & sophomore years of college I started a list of things to do before I die. One of the first things on that list was "join the Peace Corps." Well, yesterday I officially started that process.

I went online & started the application process. All I've really done is set up an account & filled out the basic info (name, address, etc.) Haven't officially started the actual application, but I'm on my way.

I have decided to make a blog about it from the very beginning. Starting this blog at this point though makes me nervous. Now everyone can know that I have started the Peace Corps process. I have this huge fear of failure though. What if I don't follow through with the whole thing? What if I don't make it in? Now everyone will know. Well, I have done a lot of growing lately and am working on certain things about myself and I feel that this is a good step & learning process for me so I am putting myself out there & if I do fail & people know, it will be okay.

So here it is. The first step. I will try to keep it updated as I go along. Hopefully in 3 years this blog will still be going (the app. process takes about a year & then a 2 year commitment of actual service). Wish me luck.


  1. Good Luck, love. You rock and I've always said that!

  2. Good luck sweetie!!! <3

    *Christine :)

  3. Jill..... You can do anything thing that you put your mind and heart to!!!!

