Monday, April 27, 2009

I Wish I Had A Better Memory

I was on a roll for a bit filling out the application, but my terrible memory, well, terrible lack of a memory, keeps getting in my way a bit. First I couldn't remember how many semesters I took of Spanish in college & if I had passed out of Spanish I & just taken II or if I had to take both. To find that out I needed to check my transcript. I remembered getting transcripts before I left school, but couldn't remember what I did with them. Luckily my mom has them so she was able to let me know that I took one semester of Spanish II. (Which means I tested out of Spanish I, good job me.)

Now I'm at the previous work experience part. It's hard for me to remember who my supervisors were for what & plus I've lost contact with some of them, but I need a name, number, & e-mail. I found e-mails for the 2 that I am not in touch with anymore & I hope that they still work so now I am just waiting to hopefully hear from them before I can move on.

When I am done filling out that part, I have to attach a resume. I've never made a resume. I've never needed one so just kinda tuned out when we were taught how in class. I remember learning it, but I didn't store the info since I didn't need it at the time. The smart thing to do would have been to make one anyway, but I've never really been the "think ahead" kind... So hopefully I will hear from my former supervisors & find someone to help me out with my resume & then I will be on my way again with the application.

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