Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Application

Don't worry, I've already started on the new application.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happiness Was Always The Dream

I'm not going to get my application done in time before it changes, but it's okay. Here is why it's okay:

The other day Colorado was mentioned and I said something about needing to live there someday. I said something about needing to get on following my dreams, but I'm happy where I'm at so it's hard. A friend said "No. Your dream was to be happy. You just thought those things would make you happy. But you have found happiness here. You've already reached your dream."

It took me aback I must say as I thought about it. I've attempted to write blogs about where I'm at in life right now and the happiness I am experiencing, but it never really works. Ones I do post only tell snippets of the story and other things I have written I just never post because I don't feel it does it justice. I feel like it would really just take a long conversation with someone to really get it out, and who would want to have that with me? ha.

But what this friend said just really made me think. Some of my dreams and goals have defined me, been the only thing to keep me going and give me hope, but now as I try to get a start on some of them, I find it so hard to actually do and I really think it's because this friend is right. My dream the whole time was to be happy and those were the things I thought would make me happy, but I have found happiness now. I still hope to achieve some of those goals, but I now understand that if I don't, it's okay and/or if it happens in a different way than I had planned, it's okay. As long as I continue to live my truth and have this happiness, I have reached m dream.

I will complete the application, as long as I'm accepted, I really do think I will do Peace Corps someday, but it's okay for me to take my time.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Changing Application

I just got an e-mail from Peace Corps that they are changing their application Sept. 23rd. If I don't finish my application by then, most of my info will be lost and I will have to start over on the new form. This happened to me when I was applying to AmeriCorps and it was so annoying, I never reapplied. Help me to remember and be motivated to finish my Peace Corps application in 3 weeks!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back At It

Ok, so the last time I worked on my Peace Corps application was the end of April, 3 months ago. I originally had to stop filling it out and figure out how to get ahold of previous employers to be able to put their contact info, but I got all that info in May... I am in love with my life and my friends and thinking about leaving them, even though it most likely wouldn't be for over a year (or more), I know that was a part of what was keeping me from working on it. Then there was a trip to Europe and having mono. Now I am back and well and tomorrow my friend leaves for Africa for 5 months. My admiration for and jealousy of her motivated me to start working on the application again! So I started back at it tonight. Now I am waiting to hear back from a couple people who were in charge of my volunteer experiences. Other than that, I only have my practical experiences and essays left before submitting the online application. When I realized I only had 2 sections left, it scared me again so I stopped for the night. But I promise to get back to it soon. Feel free to keep me accountable to that!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I leave for Europe tomorrow. I will be gone until July 18th. When I get back, make me work on the Peace Corps application. Please!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lillith Fair 2010

So I was planning on telling Peace Corps I'd be available for placement June 1st or later, but I might have to make it later than that because yesterday I found out there will be a Lillith Fair again in the summer of 2010. Peace Corps is on my list of things to do before I die, but so is seeing Sarah McLachlan perform so we'll have to see once more details are announced.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I Wish I Had A Better Memory

I was on a roll for a bit filling out the application, but my terrible memory, well, terrible lack of a memory, keeps getting in my way a bit. First I couldn't remember how many semesters I took of Spanish in college & if I had passed out of Spanish I & just taken II or if I had to take both. To find that out I needed to check my transcript. I remembered getting transcripts before I left school, but couldn't remember what I did with them. Luckily my mom has them so she was able to let me know that I took one semester of Spanish II. (Which means I tested out of Spanish I, good job me.)

Now I'm at the previous work experience part. It's hard for me to remember who my supervisors were for what & plus I've lost contact with some of them, but I need a name, number, & e-mail. I found e-mails for the 2 that I am not in touch with anymore & I hope that they still work so now I am just waiting to hopefully hear from them before I can move on.

When I am done filling out that part, I have to attach a resume. I've never made a resume. I've never needed one so just kinda tuned out when we were taught how in class. I remember learning it, but I didn't store the info since I didn't need it at the time. The smart thing to do would have been to make one anyway, but I've never really been the "think ahead" kind... So hopefully I will hear from my former supervisors & find someone to help me out with my resume & then I will be on my way again with the application.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I have officially started the application. I filled out the first section- "Personal Information." This is not a big deal- name, address, phone number, social security number, etc. But it feels good to start it.

Part of me doesn't want to do this now. I am loving life. I love where I'm at, I love my coworkers, and I love my friends more than anything. But I also know that my heart & my spirit get unsettled if we stay in one place too long. Plus, this has been a dream of mine for awhile and I have to at least try.

Lately I've had some inspiration to do it as well-

I got back in touch with the original person who inspired me to do it. This is a girl I worked with a bit at a summer camp. She is the first person I really met that had similar goals as me in life and she made me feel less weird about it and more like it was okay to want those things and that they were actually possible to do.

I have friends that have recently studied or are currently studying abroad. I admire them so much for picking up and leaving what they know and are comfortable with to go somewhere so far away for an extended period of time where they don't know the culture, language, etc. They have done or are doing what I want to, but am scared to do.

I also have a couple friends who are in the process of following their dreams, making their dreams happen and it excites me so much for them. I am so happy hearing about their updates and how things are coming together for them. It has also made me remember my dreams and motivated me to take action on making it happen.

So to all of you, thank you.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Beginning

The summer between my freshman & sophomore years of college I started a list of things to do before I die. One of the first things on that list was "join the Peace Corps." Well, yesterday I officially started that process.

I went online & started the application process. All I've really done is set up an account & filled out the basic info (name, address, etc.) Haven't officially started the actual application, but I'm on my way.

I have decided to make a blog about it from the very beginning. Starting this blog at this point though makes me nervous. Now everyone can know that I have started the Peace Corps process. I have this huge fear of failure though. What if I don't follow through with the whole thing? What if I don't make it in? Now everyone will know. Well, I have done a lot of growing lately and am working on certain things about myself and I feel that this is a good step & learning process for me so I am putting myself out there & if I do fail & people know, it will be okay.

So here it is. The first step. I will try to keep it updated as I go along. Hopefully in 3 years this blog will still be going (the app. process takes about a year & then a 2 year commitment of actual service). Wish me luck.